GLoG Class: Rebbe
The blogger MadGod created a great Rabbi class . I liked it, but it left me wanting . In that void of wanting I created my own take on the ttrpg Rabbi class suitable for the Goblin Laws. The real question: what's kinder to "gaming", the Goblin Laws or halakha? To the wise, a hint is sufficient. Rabbi Akiva in a classic GigaChad philosopher pose Rebbe " the honor of your student should be as dear to you as your own " Starting equipment : traditional Jewish clothing, glorious sidelocks and beard, knowledge of tanakh and talmud relevant for any situation you come across. Damage Die : D4 [This is for my hack which replaces weapon dice with template-specific damage dice] Starting skills : linguistics, argumentation A: Mentor, Parsha B: Get C: Masorah D: Chevraya OR Tzadik Mentor : If you assist someone with a task (skilled in that task or not) they add +2 to that roll (or -2 DV). If they succeed because of your help, they regain 1 HP and the impact of thei...